+91 8600025087
SSB series breaks are single disc fail safe breaks these are absolutely fail safe in nature and finds wide range of application where emergency stop is required these has to be connected directly to 3 phase AC supply when power fails or Break remains in engage condition for longer period of time these breaks are ideal for the application.
SMB series breaks are single disc fail safe breaks. These are absolutely fail safe in nature and finds wide range of application. Where emergency stop is required. These has to be connected directly to 3 phase AC supply when power fails or Break remains in engage condition for longer period of time these breaks are ideal for the application.
The series of SADB AC Brakes are more conventional & old design of open coils Brakes. Sytco modified Brakes are mad from forged steels and with Asbestos free German Friction liners to reduce spring force on coils to deliver the required Braking Torque which helps to increase the life of Brake Coils. Being as the used Friction Liners are German & its friction value is high and the rate of wear tear is very low.